
Hidra Analytics enables real-time indicators and reporting

It is a dashboard that uses Artificial Intelligence to identificate complex patterns in millions of the organisation's own historical data.

It is an easy-to-implement platform that provides support to the management decision-making of entities, through descriptive and predictive analytics, which assertively and based on predictions, uses Artificial Intelligence to identify complex patterns in millions of historical data from the organisation, which in turn allows predicting sales and risk percentages, speed in decision-making, cost reduction, resource optimisation and report generation.


Use historical data to predict future events that capture important trends for organisations, by means of graphs of trends through a Dashboard to analyse the information in real time and that this in turn supports reporting to aid decision making, providing statistics on possible solutions, thus reducing the margin of error.


Tracking/ Monitoring of activities

Inventory (Database)

Information repository from different sources (Excel, SAP, Sharepoint, etc).

Integration with other systems


Forecasting customer needs

Increasing sales

Identificate groups of people who share characteristics within a community.

Reducing financial risks

Decision support tool

Labor cost reduction

Description of the performance of a process

Predict the financial performance of your company.

Integrates various data sources between ZINA BI and tools such as CRM, Sales Force, SAP, Excel, etc.

Better management of project planning processes.

Increased control of work performed by sub-contractors

Greater control over the activities carried out by contractors

Decrease in rework and costs of activities performed

Creation of KPIs that are automatically generated each time an activity is completed.

Easy to use to create different databases from Excel templates or from scratch. LSV CX

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